Sunday, October 18, 2009

High and Tight

Sunshinesox thinks that it should be the Commissioner of Baseball. And GM of the Red Sox too. There is some precedent for odd conflict of interest interpretations under the Selig rules. The world would be a better place and all baseball fans happier. Oh, we here at Sunshinesox have ideas and opinions and much to say. The problem is getting anyone to listen. How can the world of baseball be made safe and sound for the fannation and the constituency that made the game a pastime for all of us in the world of sports? Welcome to, the blog for promoting the ascension to power and influence of a simple baseball fan.

Yeah the Red Sox off season came too soon. Or didn't come soon enough. Sox ownership fielded a team that almost never could be counted on to come from behind and with no player who would step up to the plate and get that clutch hit. A team that just didn't show during a long (pre)season that it had that championship quality for the postseason. Watching the teams playing for a championship, it is fair to ask "Why not us?"

We'll have something to say often and some of it might even have some value. Always your comments will be welcome, especially those we agree with.

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